Some municipalities require an arborist report to be included with tree removal permit applications according to city by-laws. Depending on the municipality different requirements are needed to be included in the report and our consultants are knowledgeable in the various requirements. Our reports detail the reasons for the permit, conditions and health assessments of included trees and a tree re planting report. Some municipalities require a more complex arborist report for construction projects. These reports describe current conditions and the potential impact to trees remaining after project completion. These reports include tree protection plans for trees on the site or trees that could be impacted on neighbouring sites.

Tree Risk Assessments

An assessment done to a tree to identify how much risk the tree possesses to the site or surrounding targets.

Aerial Inspections

A climbing inspection to visually access a trees upper crown for any potential hazards

Tree Inventory

A site assessment to identify species, locations and trees of value on a property

Tree Disease and Pest Identification

Tree Inspection to determine disease or pest infections in trees, identify and develop a remedial action

Butternut Health Assessment

Butternuts are a federally protected species that requires a health assessment and impact to be submited to the ministry before any work can be completed

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