As trees are a growing species, care and maintenance are often needed for continued health and suitability. We apply various types of pruning that can be delivered to suit the needs of the tree and the needs of our client. Our knowledge of tree morphology while utilizing proper pruning techniques gives you valuable advice for continued tree health, vitality and longevity of your trees for years to come.

General Maintenance Pruning

General maintenance pruning involves using techniques of all types of pruning to help create strong, healthy tree canopies. Removing any dead, crossing/interfering, weak attachments or elevating low hanging branches.

Clearance Pruning

Clearance Pruning reduces limbs to acceptable distances or eliminate branches that are interfering with residences and structures in the urban landscape.

Vista Pruning

The selective reduction or removal of branches in a tree to create a view from a determined point of reference.

Crown Elevation

Removing low hanging branches over yards, driveways, and streets that can be hit or damaged by vehicles and pedestrians. Removing low hanging branches also can improve potential sight line issues, branch spacing and permanent canopy heights.

Canopy Thinning

The selective removal of branches in the crown of a tree to promoted better air flow, branch spacing and overall canopy health. Thinning out the canopy can help reduce potential failures by reducing the wind sail forces on a tree. Dense canopies can create high moisture levels in the crown leading to foliar fungal pathogens, thinning increases airflow circulation helping to reduce this potential.

Structural Pruning

Structural pruning is pruning that influences tree orientation, encourages proper spacing, promote strong attachments, develop apical dominance, branch to trunk ratio, trunk taper and permanent canopy heights. This type of pruning is done over the course of a trees life from juvenile to mature to help the tree remain a part of our urban forestry.

Pollarding and Espalier

Pollarding and Espalier pruning are very specific types. These processes should be started when the tree is young and isn’t effective for every tree species.

Pollarding involves severe heading the first year, and sprout removal yearly or every couple years to maintain smaller stature and formal appearance.

Espalier Pruning is a combination of pruning and training branches along a 2-D plane, usually done to fruiting trees along fences or a trellis.

Utility Pruning

Pruning trees in proximity to live utility conductors attaining proper clearances while working at safe limits of approach.

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