Although we prefer to preserve and care about your trees for their environmental, social and landscape benefits. There are many factors to be considered when removal is required, we realize that sometimes they need to be removed for various reasons beyond our control. Tree removal is potentially dangerous and should be carried out by professional arborists, we work with the client to answer any concerns and formulate an action plan to remove the tree in an efficient and professional manner. We specialize in all forms of removals utilizing a variety of techniques and solutions at our disposal to remove even the most hazardous of trees safely.

Crane Removals

Using large cranes to help in assisting with removals safely.

Lakeside Removals

Removing trees located at cottage properties next to waterways.

Hazard Removals

Removing trees that are considered hazardous due to location, health, potential of failure or targets.

Lot Clearing

A solution for properties undergoing a transformation. The process consists of clearing trees and shrubs from a plot of land to make way for new construction, renovations, or a lawn expansion.

Tree Felling

Removing trees by cutting from the bottom.

Utility Removals

Removing trees in proximity to live electrical conductors.

Stump Grinding

Whether it’s a newly removed or previously removed tree stumps may be located on the property. Stump grinding below grade can allow the replanting of a tree in its place or laying of new sod. In the urban landscape stumps can become problematic from damaging lawnmowers, becoming a tripping hazard or being aesthetically unpleasant to look at. Our Stump grinders can fit through small gates and into the tightest of places or raised garden beds.

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